
North American banana importer-distributor Turbana is to launch a ‘farm to table’ initiative in order to educate consumers about the origin of the bananas they purchase.

With a focus on its social responsibility efforts, Turbana aims to show consumers across the US not only where their bananas were grown, but that by purchasing Turbana-branded bananas they are contributing to the wellbeing of thousands of workers and families.

Simultaneously, Turbana claims its campaign offers retailers a way to be transparent with their communities, by showing customers that they partner with responsible suppliers, while also providing an additional measurement of traceability.

“Each Turbana banana cluster will feature an innovative QR code that will allow consumers to discover the specific farm where that particular banana cluster was harvested,” the company explained in a press release.

“Not only will they connect with the farm and its grower, consumers will also learn about the farm's sustainable initiatives such as rational use and recycling of water, low use and careful handling of agrochemicals, and collection of plastics and packaging.”

Additionally, consumers will learn that, when buying Turbana bananas, they make a significant impact on programmes that build stronger communities in the growing region of Colombia.

For each and every farm, they will discover the personal story of a worker or community group whose quality of life has been positively affected thanks to their purchase.

Each story is an example of how each consumer’s purchase directly contributes to projects managed by Turbana’s social foundation Fundauniban.

These projects range from education, health, housing, micro-loans, and community infrastructure and affect thousands of workers, their families and communities.

'It’s phenomenal that we are now able to show consumers how they influence the lives of the people of Colombia,” said Marion Tabard, Turbana’s marketing director.

“By scanning the QR codes, consumers learn about the growers and how their purchases benefit the banana growing region in a wholehearted way.

'It's also a great way for our retailers to engage with their customers by providing complete product transparency.'

Turbana claims another benefit for retailers is that these new QR codes take traceability a step further since each code is unique and allows retailers to trace back even when the fruit is out of the box, placed on display.

As an initiative that benefits both retailers and consumers alike, Turbana’s said its innovative QR codes satisfy consumers’ desire to connect with their food origin, while providing retailers with a new level of transparency to their local community.