Vidalia Sweet Onions website

The Vidalia onion season’s official start date has been set for 27 April this year, with the Vidalia Onion Committee (VOC) continuing the ‘V is for Vidalia’ marketing campaign after its successful debut last year.

The campaign focuses on promoting the versatility and benefits of Vidalia Onions to a younger consumer base.

The promotion features increased digital and social media activities with outreach to food bloggers, a coupon and weekly give-a-ways on Facebook along with advertising and public relations activities.

“We had a tremendous response to the ‘V is for Vidalia’ campaign last year which is why we have decided to make this a long-term promotional effort,” explained Susan Waters, executive director of the VOC. “We were able to reach the targeted Millennial consumers and are beginning to establish their long-term loyalty for the Vidalia Onion brand.”