
The Chilean fresh blueberry export season is entering its final stages, with exportable volume anticipated for the next two weeks only.

Some 83,469 tonnes have been exported so far this season (or up to week 9), an increase of 22 per cent compared with the 68,577 tonnes distributed at this stage during the 2011/12 season.

According to the latest crop report from the Chilean Blueberry Committee and iQonsulting, total sendings in 2012/13 are forecast to reach 84,978 tonnes, up from 70,781 tonnes last season.

The committee said that from this week onwards (week 10), blueberry exports from Chile will reduce significantly, and should not exceed 1,000 tonnes per week now that harvest rates have fallen sharply.

The blueberry crop from the country’s central-south zone is almost over, with the last exportable volume set to be harvested by the end of next week.

The south zone, meanwhile, is still in harvest, and although rainfall has interrupted harvesting the process should return to normal by week 11, the report said.

Chile’s blueberry season is expected to continue for two more weeks, and, if the weather permits, harvesting may continue through week 12 in the south.