Australian citrus

Peak industry body Citrus Australia has formulated its key strategies for 2009 following consultation with growers from across the country.

The organisation, which came into force in November 2008, has opted to focus on domestic and export marketing, natural resource management, biosecurity and promotion following discussions with producers in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

"The Citrus Australia Board has indicated its intention to form national committees under these broad areas as well as four regional project groups to assist in transitional arrangements and issues," said Mr Kevin Cock, Citrus Australia chairman.

Mr Cock added that Queensland was considering a full merger with Citrus Australia in 2009, and that the state's growers had been particularly supportive of a more market-focused approach.

"Most growers we spoke to around the country support this, and are prepared to join direct to make this happen," he said. "Grower membership of Citrus Australia has exceeded our expectations with almost half of our full-year membership income achieved in less than two months of operation."

Grower members are set to nominate for national committees and regional groups in 2009 to assist the board in policy and operation.