The good weather of the last few weeks is reflected in the quality of strawberries grown in the UK at the moment.

Scottish strawberries, as with raspberries, are starting to take off at the moment as the weather in Scotland warms to the soft fruit job.

Angus Davison, director of Haygrove Ltd, said to freshinfo: 'We're very busy in Scotland with the beginning of the fresh waiting bed – Elsanta. There are a good range of varieties available at this time of year up and down the UK, especially with the beginning of Elsanta in Scotland and the everbearers in autumn production fields that are now under way in England.

'Everything is looking very promising with good quality fruit, and the vast majority is protected now in the UK so it all bodes well for good fruit well into October.' Although the weather has been particularly clement over the past few weeks, this week has been more overcast. However, Davison says this has not affected his tunnels in the west of England.

'We haven't had rain in the west, it has been warm and dry, but the weather does affect unprotected crops of which there still are some at this time of year. The good sun is reflected in good flavour, and strawberries have a promising outlook.'
