The new edition of the FPC Guide to the Packaging Waste Regulations, including an updated Ready Reckoner, is now complete.

It includes the position agreed with the Environment Agency on ownership and price after sale. The EA has acknowledged the guide and Ready Reckoner, and it will be referred to by EA officers and auditors.

The FPC has also agreed a programme of ongoing work on the Ready Reckoner with the Environment Agency. Over the next six months it will have to carry out studies of the number of cartons on a pallet, the use of re-usable pallets, the use of used cardboard packaging by UK growers, the use of wooden packaging for Spanish citrus imports, and a detailed study of the packaging used for grapes, melons, peaches and nectarines, plums, cabbage, calabrese, cucumber and cauliflower.

Anyone in the trade who is able to help with information on these subjects, should contact Douglas Pattie at the FPC office.

The EA is continuing with a policy of enforcement based on prosecuting obligated companies that have not joined a compliance scheme. The level of fines is £3,000 per offence (there are up to three offences per year), backdated.

Companies that have not yet done so can join a compliance scheme, however their history of non-compliance may be picked up by the auditors and they may face prosecution for their past record.

The FPC Guide to the Packaging Waste Regulations is available to FPC members for £25, and to non-members for £75.
