New Zealand wholesaler grocer

Produce Marketing Association Australia-New Zealand (PMA A-NZ) continues to offer general guidance to assist fresh produce companies plan for and mitigate the risks posed by coronavirus (Covid-19).

The Australasian industry association has released ’Covid-19 and your Workplace’, a set of practical guidelines to help industry members safeguard their businesses, the health of their employees and the supply of fresh produce to consumers.

“We need to ensure we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk in fresh produce businesses to ensure there is business continuity so we can continue to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to consumers,” said Deon Mahoney, head of food safety at PMA A-NZ.

The workplace guidelines add to the range of resources PMA A-NZ has released to help fresh produce businesses and consumers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The resources have been made available for free via the PMA A-NZ website.

“Now more than ever, it’s important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, which can help boost the immune system and overall health,” Mahoney said.