Two-year transition plan unveiled, with Kathleen Nave to retire in 2025

Ian LeMay will succeed Kathleen Nave as president and chief executive of the California Table Grape Commission.

(l-r) Kathleen Nave and Ian LeMay

Image: California Table Grape Commission

The leadership change will take place in 2025, following Nave’s retirement.

LeMay currently serves as president of the California Fresh Fruit Association. He will join the commission’s staff as incoming president once he finds and transitions his successor at the association.

“We are thrilled that Ian accepted the offer to join the commission team and to transition into the lead role,” said Nave.

“Ian is successfully leading an important industry organisation now and will bring his experience, expertise, character, and knowledge of the issues growers face to the work of the commission.

“Having worked closely with Ian since he took over as president of the association almost four years ago I have seen his commitment to growers exhibited many times and truly look forward to working with him and watching him take on the worldwide promotion of California table grapes.”

Nave joined the commission in 1987. She has served in the lead staff role since 1999 when she succeeded Bruce Obbink.

Nave plans to retire in the spring of 2025.

According to Nave, the California Table Grape Commission has a history of carefully choosing its president and chief executives and then allowing them time to transition into the role. In its 55 year history there have only been three commission presidents, two of whom served for over 25 years.
