Following the cancellation of this year’s planned Fruit Logistica Special Edition, the world’s leading annual fresh produce trade exhibition has chosen instead to support World of Fresh Ideas, a two-day online event organised by its cooperation partner Fruitnet. In this exclusive interview, FRUIT LOGISTICA’s senior product manager Madlen Miserius explains the decision.

Madlen, why have you decided to support Fruitnet’s online event World of Fresh Ideas?
We know that the industry thrives on personal exchange. At the moment, this is more true than ever. Many industry events have not been able to take place as physical events for over a year now. We support World of Fresh Ideas because it is important for companies to promote themselves and connect with new and old customers after FRUIT LOGISTICA Special Edition had to be cancelled. At the same time, this cooperation allows us to focus on the 2022 event which we plan as an on-site event in February 2022 in Berlin.

What do you think World of Fresh Ideas will offer to those people in the fresh fruit and vegetable business who would normally attend FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin?

World of Fresh Ideas is a chance for the international fresh produce business to meet, learn, and do business in the context of a digital event. I invite you to register and to meet me and the Fruit Logistica team on 26-27 May 2021 in our dedicated space. As of now, you can download the just-published European Statistics Handbook from the FRUIT LOGISTICA website.
The author of the publication Hans-Christoph Behr will present several of the handbook’s key findings during World of Fresh Ideas. Among those findings will be an analysis of how consumer behaviour has changed during the past year, a look at what has happened to trade with the UK post-Brexit; and a summary of how the weather has affected fruit and veg supply.

I imagine a lot of people are wondering what lies ahead for FRUIT LOGISTICA itself. How do you see the next few months developing and what kind of predictions, if any, can you make about the future of the event?
With the world on course to emerge from the pandemic, we are seeing huge interest from our customers across all industry sectors, who want to come to Berlin and see products and innovation in action once again. The global vaccination effort is gaining huge momentum, while tough lockdowns are finally beginning to pay off. This gives us confidence that we can invite the world to come to Berlin in February for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2022.

And finally, what do you miss most about organising and hosting FRUIT LOGISTICA?
Working for a year towards an event, preparing it with time, energy, heart and soul, and then seeing everything fall into place in three days. It can’t be compared to anything when the considerations we made for our customers come to fruition. I missed this dynamic this year and I will do everything I can to ensure that all of us can experience it again in 2022. Mike Knowles