Enza Red

After a successful trial last year, the first commercial-scale export programme for EnzaRed will be run in Australia this season. Turners & Growers global marketing manager Rosstan Mazey tells Asiafruit why Enza sees so much potential for its new kiwifruit variety.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about the taste and texture of the EnzaRed variety?

Rosstan Mazey: Once cut open EnzaRed is visually spectacular with a striking red central star-burst. EnzaRed has a delicious smooth gold kiwifruit flavour in the outer flesh with the red star-burst having a distinctively sweet berry flavour.

When was it commercialised and how big is your production base?

RM: This is the first year that we have commercial volumes coming off our EnzaRed blocks in Kerikeri and we estimate some will be available for export and market testing this season. We have over 7ha of fruiting canopy and the potential to expand this significantly.

When will the first shipment of EnzaRedarrive in Australia?

RM: The EnzaRedsales programme into Australia is planned to commence in early May.

Will EnzaRed be exported to any other markets this season? If not when do anticipate this will happen?

RM: Yes, we have a collaborative marketing agreement approved by Kiwifruit New Zealand for a trial programme into China this season.

Are you confident EnzaRedwill appeal to consumers?

RM: With some of the small volumes available last year we had the opportunity to test EnzaRedwith Australian consumers. The feedback was very positive. Consumers were impressed with the attractive inner appearance of the fruit, the gold outer flesh and the red star-burst. Most importantly, from a sensory perspective, they rated EnzaRedvery highly. They really liked the flavour and had a high claimed purchase intention.

Will EnzaRedbe positioned as a premium offering?

RM: Yes, it will be positioned as a premium offering. It will be presented in a punnet pack which, via the label, will enable us to communicate the attributes of the kiwifruit and show off it’s cut internal appearance.

What sort of promotional campaigns are you running around EnzaRed this season?

RM: We will invest in in-store sampling to give consumers the opportunity to taste this exciting new red kiwifruit. In this early stage of launch the key objective will be capturing consumer attention, stimulating trial and purchase.

Is consumer awareness of red kiwifruit on the rise?

RM: There is strong consumer demand in Australia, Asia and around the world for a good quality, great tasting Red kiwifruit. The signals from last years Australian consumer tastings indicate that EnzaRedhas a distinctive taste profile to Green and Gold kiwifruit and has the potential to drive incremental category sales. Our focus on kiwifruit is aligned with our new corporate strategy where we have identified kiwifruit as a key category where we want to get more vertically integrated and grow our global presence.