INI Farms India pomegranate QR code 3

Agritech fruit company, INI Farms, has officially entered the e-commerce race currently booming in India with the launch of its website,

Through its website, INI Farms is offering free shipping and same-day delivery services for its products. Fruits such as pomegranates, bananas, blueberries, kiwifruit, grapes, apples, pears, as well as ready-to-eat cut fruits are expected to be offered by the company, according to a report published by Business Line.

Each Kimaye-branded fruit will carry a QR code that consumers can scan with their smartphones, allowing them to track the product from farm to home, enabling full transparency for the products.

INI Farms initially announced the application of QR codes on its fruit in August, beginning with its Kimaye branded pomegranates.

Pankaj Khandelwal, chairman and managing director of INI Farms, said people are becoming increasingly conscious of their health and the safety of the food they consume.

INI Farms intends to continue growing its footprint in India through an expansion of its e-commerce operations in more cities and pin codes in the coming months, as well as increasing its product portfolio.

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