Since May 1, Polish potatoes are able to trade with other EU member states and new UK legislation will be enforced on June 24 to establish a notification period for the Polish produce.

The notification period requires all imports of potatoes from Poland to be notified to plant health and seed inspectors at least two days prior to arrival and inspectors will ensure the consignment is free from ring rot. Other information required to be supplied to port inspectors about the trade includes: time, date and means of introduction; point of entry into UK; intended use of potatoes and destination; the variety, quantity and producer’s identification number or lot reference number.

Despite Poland making progress in applying plant health legislation, concerns remain regarding the local ring rot situation. Polish authorities have also introduced voluntary practices requiring all potato consignments traded with EU members to be tested for ring rot, and that receivers are informed prior to the sending of the consignment.

Defra has welcomed the scheme and introduced statutory notification in addition to the Polish efforts to facilitate the monitoring and enforcement of inspections. Initially, all potato shipments will be tested on arrival to assess the level of ring rot risk. The results will help to determine whether further processes need to be established or if Polish potatoes represent no greater risk than other EU potato sources.

Further information is available at