It would appear that Bomfords will be the first in a fairly lengthy line of fresh produce companies to fall under the GLA microscope.
The vegetable supplier chose not to make any comment to FPJ this week, which of course it has every right to do, but there is no shortage of comment from people elsewhere in the trade, both about Bomfords’ plight and the string of suppliers out there who have decided to ignore legal guidelines on labour usage. The GLA knows who they are.
The belief that the GLA’s net cannot catch everyone will not protect any individual produce grower or packer that is caught “outsourcing the legality” with disregard for the consequences.
The desire to try your luck with illegally treated labour not only affects the flow of products from UK growers, but also the packing of product imported from growers around the world who have stuck to the letter of every demand laid down to them. It also jeopardises thousands of innocent people’s jobs, as well as the reputation of an entire industry, from the beginning to the end of the supply chain.
It cannot be emphasised enough - the UK mass media was all over the story when it was posted on freshinfo last week. They smell blood and they don’t care too much whose blood it is.
There are many law-abiding labour providers out there. Use them and blow those that are operating illegally out of the water.