The NFU will be holding a series of meetings across the East Midlands to help growers understand defra’s proposed changes to NVZ regulations.
The changes, which were proposed last month, are being made to bring the UK ‘into line’ with the EU Nitrates directive.
Richard Hezlet, the regional director for the NFU in the East Midlands, said that the NFU has ‘severe reservations’ about the effectiveness of the proposals, but that it was important that farmers and growers get the facts about the implications for their businesses.
Hezlet added: “Defra itself admits that the revised action plan may cost the industry between £50 and £150 million a year, so the NFU will be pressing for a package of assistance to help producers meet the extra demands of the revised action plan.
“We know that the proposals will have a huge impact on many businesses in the region; and we urge producers to attend their local meeting to find out the possible impact on their farms. The Defa consultation is open until November 13 and if farmers feel strongly about the draconian measures being proposed, they should provide first hand information to the government.”
A full list of meetings taking place can be found at