Tesco leads backlash against suppliers - 24 Oct
UK supermarkets have begun the inevitable backlash against suppliers, as they battle to sustain or increase their margins while maintaining their value proposition in the eyes of the general public.
Aldi claims highlight Tesco desperation - 20 Oct
As Tesco introduces its increasingly disgruntled band of suppliers to "Discounter House" in Cheshunt, and customers to its self-appointed role of Britain's biggest discounter, the discounter chain that has the UK's leading supermarkets running scared, Aldi, is not exactly trembling in its boots.
Redbridge man dies at 33 - 30 Oct
Richard Parkes, who worked for Redbridge Worldfresh in a procurement capacity and as account manager for Somerfield, lost his battle in intensive care in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
"Eat or be eaten", warns Jackson - 02 Oct
The fresh produce sector is ripe for further consolidation, as pricing pressure from the major retailers continues to take its toll.
Forder steps down from Mack stonefruit role - 09 Oct
Mack Multiples has announced the departure of Stuart Forder, commercial director for stonefruit.
TNS data shows winners and losers - 15 Oct
The latest TNS figures show Tesco, Sainsbury's and Waitrose lost out to the discounter chains in the latest 12 week period.
High-street big guns change airfreight stance - 29 Oct
The Fresh Produce Consortium and Ghanaian fresh-cut fruit exporter Blue Skies have helped to influence two high-profile high-street names to alter their stances on airfreighted fresh produce.
Co-op ready to tough it out with big four - 31 Oct
The Co-op is poised to do battle with the big four after getting the green light from competition authorities for its takeover of Somerfield.
Tesco cuts sales targets - 29 Oct
Tesco has cut its sales targets for the first time in years as it battens down the hatches and prepares the City and its shareholders for what it sees as a difficult period ahead.
Somerfield acquisition gets green light - 20 Oct
Competition watchdogs have given the go-ahead to The Co-operative's takeover of Somerfield.