It’s happening already, or at least threatening to.
The formation of Levy Board UK could see grower contributions to the new setup rising by as much as 50 percent, a scenario feared and predicted by many.
There may be no firm evidence yet that this worst-case scenario will actually be implemented, but the fact that this possibility has materialised will leave many feeling that it is a question of ‘when’ not ‘if’.
Any such rise in the levy will need to be soundly justified. Costs merely related to the establishment of the new system are hardly likely to be swallowed lightly.
Meanwhile in Herefordshire we are hearing that the council is considering interpreting the Hall Hunter polytunnel ruling as meaning that the structures must have planning permission.
This is a massively worrying development for the industry. We were all assured that the Hunter ruling was not intended to be taken as precedent for planning officers to apply around the country, but that is exactly what is happening if Herefordshire is anything to go by.
The industry must strive to resist any such changes in the strongest terms, before we find that the voluntary code is completely replaced by firm planning law.