AU Mangoes three cut

In what shapes as a significant development for Australian mango exports, the Northern Territory governmentare seeking proposals for the development of an export treatment service.

The government believes alocal export treatment service will provide Territory mango producers with access to increased, diversified and high-value markets.

“There is apparent market potential in China, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia where access is available if mangoes are treated for control of fruit fly,” the Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPIF) said in a statement.

The Northern Territory Government has committed A$2m in seed funding to support the development of the service.Assessment of proposal submissions is by a request for proposal process.

The Northern Territory producers around 32,000 tonnes of mangoes annually, accounting for approximately 50 per cent of Australian mango production according to DPIF.

Close to 10 per cent of the Australian mango crop is exported each year, with key markets including Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.