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A man driving a Staples Vegetabes lorry has been injured after the vehicle overturned.

The crash, which the Boston Target reports happened at around 9am today (24 June) left the B1184 at Gipsey Bridge near Boston, Lincolnshire, closed at one point. Two cranes were used to recover the lorry from a ditch.

The driver is believed to have sustained cuts and bruises from the incident, and was taken to hospital.

Neville Penson, from Staples who was overseeing the recovery operation, told the Target: 'The driver has been taken to hospital with cuts and bruises.

'There's a recovery operation taking place, we're just getting the lorry out of the ditch and we're looking to get the road open again as soon as possible. The recovery could take a couple of hours.'

He added: 'The load will be taken back to the main warehouse and checked to see if it can be re-packed, and whatever isn't usable will go to the anaerobic digester.

'It looks like the wheel caught the side of the road and pulled him into the ditch.'

The cause of the incident is under investigation.