
Plant & Food Research (PFR) COO Bruce Campbell has been awarded the Thomson Medal by the Royal Society of New Zealand for outstanding contributions to science and technology.

The medal selection committee praised Campbell for his leadership I agricultural and horticultural sciences for more than 35 years, including his work mobilising PFR scientist to support Zespri and the kiwifruit industry when the kiwifruit bacterial disease Psa was discovered in New Zealand In 2010.

“His leadership has had a positive impact on the New Zealand economy, including innovations in forages, wine, kiwifruit and avocado sectors, and he has fostered new science talent and linked science closely with business and the wider community,” the committee said.

Campbell said he was “thrilled and humbled” to receive the award.

“I have focused my career on partnering science with users of new knowledge to enhance food, the environment and people. It is great to see this connectivity of science now gathering momentum to enrich our society and wellbeing,” Campbell said.

Campbell oversees a team of some 600 scientists researching and innovating across New Zealand’s plant and marine-based food sectors as well as leading research programmes on partnering science and industry to achieve economic, environmental and sustainable targets.

The Royal Society of New Zealand is an independent organisation that promotes science, technology and humanities in New Zealand.