Dutch apples

A research summary has proven an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

Composed by Australia’s CSIRO, the summary claims regular apple consumption can help keep the heart healthy, control appetite, and assist with long-term weight loss. Research also links eating apples with healthier gut bacteria.

The summary, commissioned by Hort Innovation and funded by Australia's industry marketing levy, involved reviewing the abstracts of 122 studies on apples and their health benefits that were published in scientific journals between 2010 and 2016.

The summary’s findings have been endorsed by a number of leading health and lifestyle experts, including Dr Joanna McMillan.

“We know crunching on an apple makes us feel great. What we are now learning is how the compounds in apples, especially polyphenols and apple fibre actually help our bodies,” McMillan explained.

“This new evidence makes it even more important to eat the whole apple, skin and all, to ensure you’re getting all the goodness, because a lot of the antioxidants, fibre and polyphenols are found close to or in the skin.”

The summary is available for download here.