A new look for freshinfo.com

freshinfo.com has unveiled a new look, with a new, modern image befitting the world’s premier online source for fresh produce news, features and statistics.

Since it started life in October 1999, FPJ’s sister website has provided the global fresh produce industry with an unrivalled and up-to-the-minute news service at the click of a button.

Along with news, views and analysis, in the last few months freshinfo has also offered Fresh Opinions, an online video service featuring vox pops from the great British public on their views of the world of fruit and vegetables. These snapshot clips provide a chance for freshinfo users to hear first hand what makes consumers in the UK tick.

In the last 12 months, freshinfo has been read in more than 180 different countries and has generated more than 1.1 million page impressions, with up to 115,000 page impressions on a monthly basis

freshinfo sends out more than 70,000 requested emails a month to more than 3,700 unique users, and have up to 15,000 unique users each month.

FPJ is proud that its service is transparent to all of our readers and advertisers, with its statistics measured by an independent source.