Agrogate, the farm business consultancy division of Agrovista UK, has appointed a licensed ecological surveyor to assist growers.
Samantha Davies is able to survey buildings for bats and barn owls, a requirement of planning permission applications. Surveys for other protected species including great crested newts and badgers are available if required.
Between May and September is the recommended time period for ecological surveys, as this is when the majority of species are breeding and can be recorded in the most vital component of their habitat; a maternity roost or nest site.
A typical ecological survey for a barn conversion will be mainly concerned with the occupation of the building by bats and barn owls; the most likely protected species to be using the building. It is important to check the building in daylight and the surveyor will then observe the building on two evenings as it gets dark to record bats or barn owls leaving or using the area for feeding. A third survey will start before it gets light to check for species returning to the building. Specialist equipment is used to monitor bats using the area and identify the species concerned. The three surveys are commonly known as dusk, dawn, dusk report and are a requirement of a planning application.
The presence of protected species does not automatically mean the refusal of planning permission; most species can be protected through incorporation of their habitat requirements into the building plans, said Agrogate. Bat boxes or spaces between the roof felt and tiles will replace lost habitat for many common species of bat. Barn owls can be accommodated by nesting boxes or an accessible loft space over a garage.
Davies, who obtained a degree in Wildlife Management in 2002, has a Natural England Licence to survey for both bats and barn owls; a qualification required by many councils before ecological surveys will be accepted. She has undertaken numerous surveys of both flora and fauna for a range of clients including landowners, universities and private organisations.