Albert Bartlett has won the FPC Packer of the Year award at Re:fresh. A third-generation family business of more than 50 years standing, Albert Bartlett is the UK’s largest grower of root vegetables, supplying the population with one sixth of its total intake of potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips.
Servicing several supermarket customers with own label and Albert Bartlett branded lines from three UK packing sites, a growing operation in Spain and a European supply network, the company can handle 100 per cent of its growers production by utilising packhouse technology and other market outlets and does everything to ensure that excellence in the field is mirrored in the packhouse.
Its Chatteris site in Cambridge has specialised in packing carrots onions and parsnips for more than 40 years, while its Airdrie site in Scotland and Boston site in Lincolnshire are both potato-oriented.
The Airdrie site, is amongst the most efficient and environment-friendly installations of its type in Europe, being 99 per cent self-sufficient in water through an on-site water treatment plant that cleans rain water and uses it to wash potatoes. It has been the recipient of several awards, including the Green Apple Silver Award, which rewards environmental best practice around the world, and the VIBES Award for large busineses, which recognises the efforts of Scottish businesses to improve environmental performance and sustainability.
The company has achieved its most high-profile success in the potato category and delivered growth to the sector through its innovative variety development and marketing methods, taking the potato away from its basic commodity status to a level where consumers can be engaged and excited.