Brands are ready to force their way back into the fresh produce department, according to speakers at a seminar in Lincolnshire last week.
The event, organised by Grant Thornton and branding expert Bryt UK, was told that market forces are in favour of new brands and that produce firms are responding.
Mark Newton, managing director of Soleco UK, owner of the UK’s leading bagged-salad brand Florette UK, was on hand to explain his firm’s route to the top.
“We approached it from a common sense point of view, looking to do the simple things and do them well,” he said. “We had to demonstrate that we had something different and new to offer, that we were serious and that we knew what we were talking about. We didn’t rely on silky selling skills. And we spent a lot of time, effort and money researching the market. And not once did a focus group ever tell us that price was the most important thing for them - it was always freshness and quality.
“You obviously have to understand consumers, but equally they must be able to understand your brand and its values. If they don’t get it, you’ve got nothing.”
Having more than just a product offer has enabled Florette to take a stance with a subtle difference. “Because we are a brand, we can focus our efforts on consumers, rather than just on the customer. That doesn’t make you immune to price pressures, but Florette has consistently outperformed the market. Our price point has gone up two per cent a year since 2002.” This in an expanding sector that has nevertheless begun to experience flat retail prices.”
So why have brands virtually disappeared in the fresh produce arena? “In the last 10-15 years, we’ve dumbed down food in many ways, particularly fresh produce,” said Newton. “Products are pretty much sold on price and availability.” The offer has been homogenised to such an extent, he added, “that people are quite literally comparing apples to apples”.
Packaging is very important in the differentiation process, said Newton. “You have to stand out as a brand, you need to range it and merchandise it intelligently. As Orson Welles said: ‘It’s only shallow people who do not judge by appearances’.”
Florette is the main sponsor of this year’s Re:fresh Awards, at the London Marriott, Grosvenor Square, on May 10.