Chiquita scoops award

This award, established by the Trust for the Americas, recognises corporate programmes that work at reducing poverty in the Americas and Chiquita subsidise up to three-quarters of the housing costs for its banana workers in La Lima, Honduras.

Chiquita Brands International is a producer and exporter of bananas to Europe and North America, that are sold under the brand Chiquita (r), as well as other fresh fruit and fruit products.

Phase I of the Central American housing project was completed at the end of 2003 and now 600 families have been provided with homes.

Phase II of the project will add a further 650 homes by the end of 2005 for the company's workers. Chiquita's president and ceo Fernando Aguirre said: " Our objective is to improve the living conditions and community services available to our workers and their families through safe and affordable worker-owned housing."
