Dr David Barling of the Centre for Food Policy at City University London asked whether enough is being done to overcome the challenges facing the vegetable sector in the UK, at last week’s Adas/Syngenta Vegetable Conference at the East of England Showground in Peterborough.

Referring to DEFRA’s Food Vision 2030 and the Fruit and Vegetable Task Force, Barling told delegates that there were many opportunities ahead, with a focus on low-income households' access to fresh produce, seasonal produce, innovation and sustainability, but felt that more could be done.

He said: “There has clearly been a policy reappraisal. I actually think the problems are clear, but we need to identify the indicators and trends; we are still trying to get them together.

“There has been no CAP Reform since the 1970s appraisal, yet the EU single market is key in terms of flow of product and how the sector is governed. We are more aware of our sustainability issues - the three pillars are there: environmental issues have become more pressing, as have social issues and labour practices, as well as supply and economic issues. But is it enough? No, but who is going to do the serious lifting from now on?

“We need translatable research - translatable to practice - the industry needs an overhaul and needs to be readdressed for 21st century needs. Agriculture has a key role - the industry needs to get involved.”