Sales of Dutch flowers and plants are forecast to rise by 45 per cent in the next 10 years according to the Flower Council of Holland. Kick-starting this growth is a predicted sales rise of 20 per cent in the next five years.
Most of the growth is expected to come from Russia and the UK, although the new EU member states will also be importing more flowers and plants from the Netherlands in the coming years.
The Council bases its forecasts on the anticipated sales in the 26 countries, which together account for 97 per cent of total turnover. These include mature markets such as Germany and France, as well as many growth markets such as Eastern Europe, Russia and China. Since the traditional markets are already well served, they will account for the least percentage growth in the next ten years.
The Dutch floricultural industry has a well-established reputation for consistent reliability as a supplier and is able to provide a wide range of high quality products at attractive prices all year round. Maintaining these high standards depends on continuous innovation as well as specialisation throughout the distribution chain.