Several Freshfel members presented the main findings of the reports on market access barriers in third countries at the Fruit and Vegetable Management Committee.
The event gathered ministerial representatives from the 15 EU member states from the 10 accession countries, under the presidency of the European Commission.
Philippe Binard (Freshfel’s general delegate), Paco Borras (Anecoop SP), Pino Calcagni (ANEIOA/Besana,) Willem Baljeu (Frugi Venta) and Daniel Corbel (Aneefel) described the precarious position of EU fresh produce exporters on third country markets.
Key elements shaping the export environment were discussed. These included: the strength of the US dollar against the euro, the rise in non-tariff barriers; and the increased competition from emerging producing countries, notably China. The Freshfel delegation stressed the importance of reciprocity in market access conditions, whereby EU exports are granted market access conditions similar to those granted to imports of third country produce into the EU.
It was suggested that there should be an implementation of measures to increase the logistic efficiency of EU exports and the negotiation of a greater degree of reciprocity in bilateral trade concessions.