Humber Quality Foods Ltd (HQF) has launched a new range of individual frozen vegetable portion packs. The individual portions are packed in steam-valve packaging and re-heat in 90 seconds, offering portion and cost control.
The company’s range of individual frozen vegetable packs consist of baton or sliced carrot, broccoli, cauliflower and fine beans, although HQF will put any prepared and frozen vegetables into the packs to suit a particular customer’s requirements. The vegetables can be mixed on line in two- or three-way mixes, and other ingredients such as a butter, glaze or sauce can be added to the packs. Steam-valve film is used to allow vegetables to reheat with a pressure-cooker effect, releasing just enough steam to aid fast regeneration and giving optimum cooking results.
HQF’s managing director Peter Sheriff said: “We have had a lot of interest in the new individually quick frozen (IQF) vegetable packs, especially from the foodservice industry, but also from convenience stores which can stock the product without the risk of wastage associated with fresh produce.
“The IQF vegetables were launched following the success of our fresh vegetable individual portion packs, which have been supplied to foodservice for some years, and offer the same steam-valve film technology as frozen.
“The IQF vegetable individual portions follow the success of the fresh portions, but gives the added advantage of 12-month storage, as opposed to seven days for our fresh packs. The packs offer users convenience, portion and cost control and fresh vegetables on the plate in 90 seconds from the freezer. Seasonal and monthly variations, as well as and bespoke mixes, are also available.”
HQF’s fresh packs have been in production for more than four years, and the new individual frozen packs help reduce wastage, labour costs and provide freshly prepared vegetables on demand.
“We intend to keep innovating and extending the range in the future by creating bespoke packs for customers, which will include things such as char and bar grilled vegetables, available in both fresh and frozen,” added Sheriff.