From February 2008 London will operate its Low Emission Zone (LEZ), restricting free access to the area within the M25 to vehicles meeting certain emissions standards. Those failing to meet the standards will be charged £200 per day to operate in the Greater London area. In addition, the central London congestion charge zone will, in future, make charges relative to emission standards - cleaner vehicles will be charged less to enter the zone.
With this in mind, the Freight Transport Association is to supply a range of services designed to help the industry with these new challenges.
FTA’s Transport Manager 2007 seminars will offer practical advice on how to reduce the environmental impact of fleet operations; how to measure emissions and where to target actions so as to manage them downwards; how to deal with the London LEZ and the options for vehicles which do not comply. The seminars will also look at fuel efficiency, the prospects for delivering improvements including vehicle specification and design, driving techniques and journey planning.
The FTA will also be providing a comprehensive programme of support and assistance to enable members to pass the Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) for lorry drivers, which will be introduced in 2009.
The CPC will mean that existing heavy goods vehicle license holders will need to complete a minimum of 35 hours of periodic training during a five-year period, updating skills in the areas of legal compliance, energy conservation, record keeping, road traffic care and driving skills.
The seminar will provide guidance on how to deal with the implications of the new certificate, including the responsibilities of drivers and employers, dealing with agency drivers, identifying the useful courses and enforcement and penalties.
FTA’s 2007 Transport Manager seminars run from September to December at locations throughout the country. Other subjects on the agenda include reducing your carbon footprint, workplace transport safety, the safety and security of loads, delivery access issues, the management of shifts - how to avoid driver fatigue, and engine technology.