The GlobalGAP Board has approved a proposal that the standard should be revised every four years, instead of every three years. All stakeholders have welcomed this decision, as it allows sufficient time for adjustment and implementation between new versions.
Even though the GlobalGAP Integrated Farm Assurance V3.0 only become obligatory from January 2008, the various sector committees have already started with the enormous task of revising the standard. It was agreed in all sector committees that there should not be fundamental changes in approach, but that standard should continue to improve the standard through practical experience.
Some of the topics that are under discussion in various sub-groups and sector committees include standard efficiency (streamlining the standard, avoid duplication and ambiguity), standard integrity, resource management, improvement of the Integrated Pest Management guideline and compliance with microbiological, as well as requirements for animal welfare, feed and transport.
The revision will follow the recently revised standard setting procedure to take into account best practice, particularly allowing for various opportunities for stakeholder involvement and consultation.