The Horticultural Development Company’s (HDC) director of horticulture Dr Bill Parker will be joining delegates from all walks of the supply chain to discuss funding at the FPJ East Midlands conference.

The event, which will be held at the White Hart in Lincolnshire on 17 March, aims to link up the fresh produce supply chain as part of FPJ’s series of conferences touring the UK.

Dr Parker joined the HDC as director in May 2009 having previously managed the horticultural research and consultancy team at ADAS. He will speak as part of the Growing and Research section of the conference, which will include accounts from both Lincolnshire leafy salads grower David Piccaver and NFU Horticulture and Potato Board Chair Sarah Pettitt, as well as Dr Parker.

The conference schedule also includes sections entitled East Midlands: The Hub, East Midlands: The Brand and East Midlands: The future, including speakers such as Kantar Worldpanel’s Ed Garner, QV Foods’ Simon Martin, wholesale expert Nicholas Saphir, retail consultant Rob Ward, a Select Lincolnshire representative and an interactive cookery presentation from Fresh Direct’s David Burns and Martin Levy. Go to to register.
