The HTA has welcomed the government response to the retail sector’s comments on the Stern report into climate change.
The response said that one of the keys to reducing the UK’s carbon footprint would be retailers working together to educate the consumer. It also said that it is important to get the pace of implementation right to avoid placing British businesses at a competitive disadvantage within the EU.
The HTA welcomed the report as a timely response in the lead-up to their annual conference, where climate change and its impacts on business will be high on the agenda.
HTA policy advisor David Brown sat on the retail sector working group, which got together in February to publish comments on the Stern report.
He said: “We welcome the fact that government recognises the need for all parties to work together on this issue, retailers working with retailers and retailers working with government.
“There is a need for consistent messages which are clearly understandable but not too simplistic or potentially misleading. We also welcome the recognition for concerted international action, at a pace that does not competitively disadvantage business here in the UK.”