Ilapak Limited will launch two new packaging machines at this year’s Total Processing and Packaging Exhibition at Birmingham’s NEC (15-18 May). The Vegatronic 4000, a high performance vertical, form, fill and seal (VFFS) machine and the Carrera 1000 PCR which can greatly reduce the use of packaging materials and costs when handling loose, unsupported produce, will be the stars of the show along with Ilapak’s ground-breaking Delta VacMap ™.
Designed to wrap delicate products in a wide range of pack formats, the Vegatronic 4000
is a unique, patented flow-wrapper that produces high quality, flow-wrapped packs with the extended shelf-life of thermoformed packs at less cost. The machine will offer exceptional performance when packing delicate products such as prepared salads, potatoes and individually quick frozen foods, as well as using a continuous film motion to achieve speeds of 140 packs a minute.
The Carrera 1000 PCR is an inverted horizontal, form, fill and seal (HFFS) machine designed to handle loose, unsupported products such as avocadoes, apples and other fruit and vegetables. An important benefit of this flow-wrapper is its ability to greatly reduce packaging costs, and therefore the environmental impact, by eliminating the need for a tray.
Too large to feature on the stand itself, Ilapak’s Delta VacMap ™ ‘three-in-one’packaging solution is being represented in video footage featuring recent installations. This is a versatile and extremely efficient packaging machine that also substantially reduces production costs.
Ilapak Limited will be situated in hall five, stand number 5,653, at the NEC show in May.