The CLA and NFU have reached an agreement with HS2 Ltd covering a voluntary early access licence to carry out environmental impact assessments related to the rail line with an initial payment of £1,000.
The payment will be split between landlord and tenant where the land is tenanted.
On top of the £1,000 payment, HS2 Ltd agreed to further requests by the CLA and NFU to make additional payments if further environmental surveys are required and that HS2 Ltd will pay for any damage done or losses caused.
A comprehensive Code of Conduct has been agreed with HS2 Ltd which must be adhered to by the company and its contractors when carrying out the survey work.
CLA President Harry Cotterell said: "We recognise that many CLA members would rather HS2 was dropped, but now it is confirmed we owe them a duty of care to ensure the work is carried out with as little damage and loss as is possible. We are grateful to HS2 Ltd for taking account of our concerns."
NFU President Peter Kendall said: "Following the Government’s decision to proceed with a Hybrid Bill, the NFU is determined to get the best possible deal for its members and will work with the CLA to that end. This agreement is a positive first step in making sure that the Government sticks to its promises on compensation and mitigation.”
The CLA and NFU also agreed with HS2 Ltd to ensure all involved with transference of property ownership and occupation are kept duly informed.