Eleven fertiliser and trace element products from Law Fertilisers have been certified for organic use by the Soil Association.

These include Laws High K, Laws High N and Laws High P, as well as boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc. There is also Laws Calcium, Laws High P Plus and Laws Foliar N.

“Unless crop inputs are balanced with crop off take, there is a real danger that soils in organic farming will be significantly depleted,” warned company md Mark Law. “This will undermine the sustainability of organic farming, as well as its credibility. It also contravenes the EU organic regulations to maintain soil fertility and cross compliance requirements.

“Using our natural plant-based fertilisers, soil fertility can be improved in a sustainable way and crops allowed to respond by improving yields and better quality. Trace elements can boost growth and rectify any deficiencies that may arise.”

Law’s High P is described as significantly more efficient than rock phosphate, which is not readily available unless soils are very acid and is more available for plant uptake over the whole growing season than TSP, which reacts very quickly with free calcium in the soil the form insoluble compounds.

The products are also said to be fully approved by the Organic Farmers and Growers, as well as other certifying bodies.
