Nicola Berry

Nicola Berry

Lincolnshire Co-operative is to double the amount of local produce it sells in its 69 outlets throughout the county in the next six months.

This target was set following the organisation’s successful launch of the Local Choice brand in stores to coincide with Lincolnshire Day on October 1 last year.

Now that the brand has been established on the shelves, the retailer is ready to act on the customer interest it has had over the past six months.

Nicola Berry, supply chain manager for Lincolnshire Co-operative, told FPJ at the 2009 Select Lincolnshire Conference on Tuesday: “Now we have set ourselves apart from the rest of the retailers, we are going to push forward our in-store promotions and really let local produce shine.

“We are looking to put the Select Lincolnshire logo on our fresh fruit and vegetables from that area and are urging growers to ask for the sticker to go on their produce.”

Lincolnshire Co-operative is also on the look-out for prepared fruit and vegetables and has been working with QV Foods to stock its Inspire range. Berry, pictured, added: “We know that QV uses produce from the county and we can work with them to make customers aware of this.”

Lincolnshire asparagus grower C Wright & Son (Gedney) Ltd is very interested in the scheme.

Director Adam Cunnington told FPJ that the company has been supplying wholesalers throughout the country with produce, but now it needs to diversify.

“If possible, it would be nice to keep an identity of the county on our produce and not have a non-descript label with the origin in small print,” he explained. “An understanding of seasonality is important too and we want to deliver as close to home as we can.”

Berry believes that the argument for sourcing locally has become more relevant in the economic downturn. “For us, demand for local produce is up, as are sales,” she confirmed.