The Lloyds TSB Agri-business Centre at Cheshire Show is promising two prominent guest speakers this year.

On Tuesday June 19, Lord Henry Plumb will talk about the challenge of change in farming, while George Osborne, MP for Tatton in Cheshire and the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, will be available to give details of his proposed policies.

Plumb’s career in the industry included being president of the NFU from 1970-79, president of the European parliament from 1987-89 and co-president of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries between 1994 and 99.

On his retirement as Member of the European Parliament, he expressed the wish to create an opportunity to continue helping rural and farming communities in the world at large and in May 1999 'The Henry Plumb Trust' was founded.
