Sharpak has announced a recycling alternative for the mushroom industry, as it attempts to stay ahead of the pace in the green age.
The new mushroom punnet, in r-PP from Sharpak, claims to break the mould of petro-chemical reliance in the mushroom industry.
Sharpak has applied its material science drawing on mineral blend substitutes to launch a natural recyclable mushroom punnet. Using its rotary thermoforming process, Sharpak can now offer a new product that reduces petrochemical content by up to 50 per cent, delivering a product containing up to 50 per cent natural mineral and approved recycled materials.
According to Sharpak, this is a breakthrough in packaging technology and has already been welcomed by leading brands and supermarket chains.
Coming at a time when leading retailers, in conjunction with WRAP, have set demanding targets designing out the growth in packaging waste by 2008 and an absolute reduction in packaging waste by 2010, this design is a bold and assertive example of Sharp Interpack’s commitment to the environment, said a statement.