The department for environment, food & rural affairs is inviting applications to fill two places on the independent advisory committee on pesticides (ACP) as well as for the chair of the pesticides forum.
Those applying to the ACP are requested to have current experience in ecotoxicology/applied ecology with aquatic and terrestrial knowledge and experience in environmental risk assessment; and occupational hygiene and human exposure measurement with experience in the practicalities of exposure assessment, use of mdels, understanding of skin uptake and use of protective clothing.
The pesticides forum chair will need to demonstrate independence from government and from proponents and opponents of pesticide use. Skills in bringing together stakeholders with divergent interests are required to develop approaches to minimising the adverse impacts of pesticide use.
Applications are welcomed from all groups, and the closing date is December 14.
An information pack is available from Ann Webster, PSD, on 01904 455 709; or Matthew Wells, Pesticides Forum, on 01904 455 723