The Picota cherry promotional campaign will be launched at the end of June with cherry promotion stickers appearing on punnets in five multiple retailers.

The stickers will give full details of the competitions that offer a range of coupon prizes including free entrance for children at UK theme parks, two weeks for the price of one on holidays in Spain and a free bottle of Cava.

Also running throughout July will be the 'Spanish Picota cherries – for real cherry lovers' consumer advertising campaign in key publications, positioning the fruit as upmarket, fashionable and an ideal summer indulgence.

María José Sevilla, UK director of Foods from Spain, said: 'This year's crop is excellent and the size of the fruit is larger than previous years. By running fantastic consumer promotions on pack and a visually eye-catching national advertising campaign, we hope to raise the profile of Picota cherries with the consumer in the next six weeks.'