Budding entrepreneurs could make their fortune on any one of the 154 companies Plimsoll Publishing has named as the best acquisition prospects in the fresh produce industry.

David Pattison, senior analyst at Plimsoll commented: 'If you want to go on the acquisition trail, you must have your own secret shopping list of potential targets. It is essential though to do your homework first to find the right companies to target.

'As the industry consolidates, this is an exciting time for acquirers. It is easy to overlook the fundamental requirements in successfully taking over another company. In my experience, I have found six main reasons why acquisitions fail to deliver their expected return.' Pattison lists this reasons as looking for companies based solely on one criteria; paying too much for the company; timing the acquisition badly; taking the acquired company in the wrong direction; taking instructions solely from your advisors; and dealing with your own company first.

Plimsoll's Acquisition Guide helps avoid these six mistakes, and shows which companies look to be the best targets.