The PSD has granted full label approval for the use of herbicide Decimate on leeks.
Decimate is a residual treatment for pre-emergence weed control of annual meadow grass and broad-leaved weeds. It can be applied after drilling or transplanting.
Alan Horgan, technical officer of Certis, said: “Decimate offers a broader spectrum of any of the off-label solutions that are available. It is particularly useful for early season crops. Early plantings typically take place on light, free-draining land with poor moisture retention. Also, the residual activity provides several weeks control so it is also suited for use on crops that are to be covered by fleece or plastic.”
Decimate is registered for use on a wide range of vegetable crops. This includes cabbages, bulb onions, Brussels sprouts, swedes and turnips. The application rate for use on leeks is 20 litres of Decimate in 450-1000litres of water per hectare.