There is less than a week to go before the inaugural Re:Fresh Conference and Awards on May 6 at the London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square.We now take a look at two more of the speakers.
The late-morning open session will be moderated by Mark Rogerson who acts as a media adviser to COLEACP's pesticides initiative programme. He is an experienced public affairs professional and a former TV journalist. He has long experience working with the European Commission on communications issues and his first appointment was as consultant to the commission on the Europe against Cancer programme.
He has also advised the European Commission's directorate general on agriculture on how to restore confidence in the European beef market, and worked on the mid-term review of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Rogerson's pre-public affairs days were spent as a BBC broadcast journalist on Radio 4's Financial World Tonight, and as TV economics correspondent for the corporation on The Money Programme.
Alongside Rogerson as a participant in the open session is Denis Punter, chief executive of Redbridge Holdings. Punter's training was in management accountancy and he has worked for Dalgety and Glass Glover in the 1970s and 1980s before joining Geest Horticulture in 1987 to manage the break up and disposal of the division and proceed to become corporate finance controller of the plc, then finance and commercial director of fresh produce and finally managing director of Geest Worldwide Fruit. In 1994 he joined Francis Nichols organising the mbo from Geest in 1996 to form Redbridge when he became ceo of the £220million fresh produce and flower supplier.
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