Seed company Sakata UK will release its first commercial seeds for 2008 production of broccoli Naxos F1 at its annual open days on October 10 and 11.
Stuart Cox of Sakata UK said: “Naxos will be an important variety for UK growers in helping them achieve quality and continuity, whatever the weather we get in the summer. Naxos has demonstrated, over three seasons of testing, the ability to cope with hot, dry conditions, just as well as cool, wet conditions.”
Visitors will be able to view demonstration plots of Sakata UK’s new brassica commercial variety, as well as several varieties of cauliflower, cabbage, pak choi and baby leaf salads, at its Boston site.
The open days will run from 9am to 5pm. This is the sixth year that Sakata UK has held the open days, which attract a range of growers, retailers, packers and processors.