S&G Flowers has announced details of its 2008 lineup, with the company showcasing a host of new introductions this week.
In the Artist Alto range, Delft is the latest colour addition. The series of cutting raised ageratum produces many flowers on a bushy, well branched plant. Artist does not set seed, leading to less maintenance on the bench and continuous flowering as the old flowers are constantly overgrown by new.
Marketed as a response to the demand for easy growing plants combined with excellent shelf and outdoor performance is Argyranthemum frutescens Molimba. It is said to be naturally self-branching and non-stretching, making the use of growth regulators and pinching optional. It is heat resisting and self-cleaning, and the series will receive four new varieties for 2008.
One of the newest additions to S&G’s lineup is Cuphea Shrimpy. Thought to be well suited to the end consumer and particularly children, its sweet tasting nectar makes it attractive to wildlife such as butterflies and bees.
The successful Spellbound series of trailing impatiens has been boosted by the addition of two new colours, Scarlet Sprite and Pinkerbell. The former produces vibrant scarlet flowers, while the latter brings out light pink flowers with a dark pink blotch, according to the company.
S&G has also introduced a number of new plants into its Pronto Perennials roster, a series the firm describes as being completely programmable with an easy growing, short cropping time from potting to flowering. There are currently two collections available for spring and summer flowering.
Extra colours have been added to the seed raised Delfix series for next season, Delphinium grandiflorum Delfix Rose and Violet Blue. Steel Blue with White Bee is now in the Delphinium cultorum Excalibur series.
A new series is Sunburst, which consists of five individual colours - Burgundy, Orange, Red with yellow tip, Yellow and Yellow with red, which go together in terms of habit and flowering period.
Among those in the autumn flowering perennial range is Cyclamen hedirifolium AmazeMe White Silver and Rose Silver. A hardy herbaceous perennial with the ‘character of a wild plant’, according to S&G, the plants can flower with leaves as early as the first year of cultivation.