StePac’s Xtend line of breathable packaging for retail is poised to make a significant contribution to reducing fresh produce supply chain wastage.
The Xtend packaging line naturally creates optimal storage conditions within the bag or film once it is sealed. This significantly prolongs produce storage and shelf life, while helping to retain nutritional value, natural flavor and fresh appearance.
Xtend products are developed specifically for the fruit or vegetable they will contain. Xtend for cucumbers extends the amount of time the product can be in coldstorage to 18 days, at 10°C, with another three days of shelf life at 20°C. Broccoli can be cold-stored for 25 days at 0°C, with another four days of shelf life at 10°C, and leeks for 28 days at 0°C, with an extra four days of shelf life at 10°C.
The reduction of waste will have an immediate effect on reducing fresh produce’s carbon footprint, by making each food mile count, and promoting more profitable transactions.
StePac’s lidding film, shrink-wrap, flow-pack and pre-formed bags were designed to prolong storage and shelf life, helping retailers cut costs. Xtend zip-lock and peel-and-seal bags recreate the Xtend modified atmosphere/modified humidity (MA/MH) environment every time they are opened, closed and returned to the refrigerator.
Xtend’s MA/MH technology passively controls the atmosphere within the bag by engineering the polymer, so that the correct balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained, while excess moisture is allowed to escape.