Syngenta has announced a new version of the Nemathorin Cartridge will be available this season for the control of potato cyst nematode and wireworm suppression.
The new version will ensure potato growers can achieve more accurate application of Nemathorin granules. According to Syngenta potato manager Garth Bretherton, even and accurate Nemathorin application is crucial to ensure the best long-term control.
Bretherton also believes that wireworm is now increasingly being found in arable rotations. The feeding damage from low pest numbers can have a devastating effect on skin finish. He said: “Arable wireworm has been found in the main potato growing areas of the UK. Nemathorin can minimise the extent of tuber damage. Though in high risk field it may be judicious to avoid potato cropping.”
The design of the new Nemathorin cartridge features sealed end bearings for improved performance and longer life.