Total Produce has launched a free mobile phone app that allows users to scan digital QR codes on its fresh produce packaging to access downloads and information on products.
The TOP QR Reader App, which is available on the App Store and the Android Market, is designed to drive people towards Total Produce’s “Fruit Byte” consumer videos and also its website and its associated topfruit Facebook page.
It is a natural progression for the company because it helps co-ordinate all Total Produce's online activity, European marketing manager Vincent Dolan said.
“We resisted the temptation to launch an App that was effectively a miniature website optimised for Smartphone usage”, he said.
“Instead, we wanted to offer the consumer a simple, practical tool to use over and over again, on a wide range of products, not only our own”.
Total Produce saw there was an opportunity to develop a reader after the inconsistency in the quality of many readers made them unsure which to recommend.
Dolan added: “By educating consumers about the nutritional merits and preparation techniques associated with fresh produce in a contemporary, fun and accessible way, we hope to encourage consumers across Europe to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet. We believe this new App can play a significant role in this process”
The Total Produce TOP QR reader App is available to download now in multiple languages including English, Czech. Slovak, Danish, Swedish, Spanish, French and German.