Chris Jones,florist and Glen Goodman(London Tonight) at the Hampton Court Flower Show

Chris Jones,florist and Glen Goodman(London Tonight) at the Hampton Court Flower Show

Communications manager Kate Kenyon appeared on BBC Breakfast News to talk about up and coming flower trends and to encourage women to treat themselves to flowers. Kenyon told the viewers that fresh flowers are natural aromatherapy and that the scent of roses and lilies is a natural aphrodisiac, for both men and women. Kenyon encouraged women to buy their own flowers as research shows that men rarely think of buying them and, “if women wait for that romantic bunch, they will receive them only once or twice a year. It would be a great shame to miss out on that feel-good-factor.”

The also organised for one of their member designers, Chris Jones, to give London Tonight reporter, Glen Goodman, a flower arranging lesson at the Hampton Court Flower Show. The one-to-one lesson took place at the F&PA’s stand at the show, teaching the TV reporter how to place an informal arrangement in a vase. However, extremely high winds forced the show to close early one afternoon. "The gusts were pretty scary," Kenyon told the Journal. "We had one vase broken when a loudspeaker fell on our stand."
